M$. Income Journals & Notebooks
These journals and notebooks are a reflection of love. Within each journal you will find tools, activities, and instruction that Serita, M$. In¢ome, personally used to help in the most trying times of her life. In partnership with God, these journals are meant to help guide you through every part of your life, helping you MINT success and the life and income of your dreams. Enjoy!!!
Please note, each journal has 2 sizes, 8.5x11 and 6.6x9.6. The notebook has an additional size, which is 5x7.

Write, Release, Rediscover, and Rise above, all to MINT your mind for success
Daily Moments Journal
Here is where you record all your thought, feelings, fears, accomplishments, joyous moments, your wins. This is the space to pour out everything that doesn't serve you and to refill with everything that will lift you and make you lighter. Let's recognize the moments that will define your life.

The key to success and a MINT mindset
Gratitude Journal
Here is where you begin to recognize all the blessings that have been bestowed upon you. You get to live in gratefulness and remind yourself that every thing you have and where you are is someone else's wish and dream. “Gratitude turns what we have into enough.”

Helping MINT your mind and prepare for success
Mental Health Journal
Here is where you begin your mental health journey. This is an amazing introduction to recognizing and understanding who you are and how you are. Mental health is not a taboo subject and you should not be ashamed to seek help for it. Let's start your journey together.

What you track will grow and what grows will MINT
Goal Tracker
Here is where you begin to see your future; the life you want, the life you're going after, the life you deserve. "If you don't know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else." Start achieving your dreams today!!!

Record notes to help you MINT success
Memo Notebook
Here is where you record all your notes. The things that stand out to you from a call, a conversation, a class. Details you've noticed and want to implement in yourself, your business, your relationships. And the all important 'Note to self." This is the space to keep that information safe.
Which Journal Is Right For You?
Having more bad days than good???
The GRATITUDE journal will help with that. Being grateful for what we have vs. focusing on what we don't have is the key!
Are you struggling with life right now???
First, it's ok to not be ok, even if you don't want to admit it to anyone else. Second, the MENTAL HEALTH journal will help you begin your journey back to ok.
*This is not a replacement for seeking professional help, only assistance to begin the process.
Do you want to accomplish BIG things???
If you answered "YES" then the GOALS trac is for you. Let's get you setup for success today!!!
New to journaling???
WELCOME!!! We've got just what you need to get started. The MOMENTS journal is a great starter journal. YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE IT!!!
You take notes???
Our MEMO notebook is going to be just what you need to keep all your ideas and gems in one place.